How Hospitals Can Surge Staffing to Match the COVID-19 Patient Surge

Many US Hospitals were facing significant staffing challenges before COVID-19 hit.  Now, the surge in COVID-19 infected patients is overwhelming hospitals in ‘hot spot’ urban centers.    Compounding the staffing problem is the high infection rate among clinical workers.  In the hardest-hit areas, as many as 20-30% of clinical staff and frontline healthcare workers are becoming [...]

By |2020-04-08T18:57:57+00:00April, 2020|Blog|

Are We Entering a New Age of Transformational CEOs?

There’s a record amount of change happening in America’s C-Suites.  A study by outplacement firm Challenger, Gray, and Christmas, showed that a record number (219) of CEOs left their jobs in January, 2020. This flight from the executive suite topped the previous monthly record (172 in October, 2019) by a significant 27%. For all of [...]

By |2020-11-24T16:39:42+00:00March, 2020|Blog|

A Model for Providing
Effective Feedback

One of the most difficult areas for new leaders to master is the art of giving effective feedback, especially when the feedback is negative, or might be perceived as negative by the receiver. The hesitancy to deliver bad news is only natural, and requires a good bit of forethought and practice to overcome. Additionally, most [...]

By |2019-06-18T17:48:58+00:00June, 2019|Blog|

Improve Your Leadership IQ Using Radical Honesty

Effective leaders know the critical importance and value of honesty. After all, without honesty, there cannot be trust. And without trust, respect suffers a quick death. Yet, in many workplaces and on many teams, honesty is a negotiated, situational occurrence. Although often held as a corporate value, it is rare that honest dialogue is [...]

By |2020-02-07T21:15:15+00:00May, 2019|Blog|

There’s No Such Thing
As A Bad Hire

Josh is a line manager with a staff of 20 workers. Together with his two supervisors, Josh hires about 5 new employees every year. When I met Josh, he complained that there were too many ‘bad candidates out there’, resulting in his team making too many “bad hires" that had to be replaced. “A bad [...]

By |2019-06-18T13:23:29+00:00May, 2019|Blog|

The Leadership Imperative of the Digital Age

For several years, it has become crystal clear that digitization, artificial intelligence, IoT, and machine learning, among other advancing technologies, are disrupting businesses and changing the way the world works.    These technologies are impacting every industry and every company. From household products to financial services to transportation to healthcare, digitization’s impact is broad and [...]

By |2020-02-27T15:54:10+00:00May, 2019|Blog|

Five Requirements of Great Performance Management

If you think you are alone in bemoaning annual performance reviews, or are confused by the array of new performance review feedback apps that offer to solve everything with the single click of a ‘like’ button, take comfort.  There are many like-minded leaders who are waiting until the last possible second to write reviews for [...]

By |2019-06-18T17:55:58+00:00April, 2019|Blog|

Great Leaders Are Built,
Not Born

How Well-Built Are Your Leaders? When leaders perform their leadership roles with seemingly little effort, observers often describe them as “natural born leaders.”  In fact, there is no such thing as a ‘born leader.’ Rather, becoming an effective leader is the result of a process of individual growth, feedback, and a fierce focus on iterative [...]

By |2019-06-18T17:59:37+00:00April, 2019|Blog|

Talent/IQ Advisors Names Executive Consulting Team

Talent/IQ Advisors LLC, a management consulting firm focused on helping its clients realize consistently outsized business results by increasing the Leadership and Talent acumen of up-and-coming and established leaders, is pleased to announce the appointment of its executive team: Harry Griendling will serve as Managing Partner of the firm. Harry brings over 35 years of [...]

By |2020-11-24T16:40:35+00:00April, 2019|Blog, T/IQ in the News|

All Business Challenges are Talent Challenges

A New Consulting Firm Launches to Focus on Improving Business Performance by Improving Talent Performance Talent/IQ Advisors LLC, a Philadelphia-based management consulting firm launched this month by area business leaders, is focused on helping its clients achieve outsized business results by improving the talent acumen and leadership performance of up-and-coming and established leaders. “We believe [...]

By |2020-07-21T19:34:36+00:00April, 2019|Blog, T/IQ in the News|